Briquetting machines for metal

Briquetting means recovery of valuable substances and heating fuels from the production waste by pressing the residue in special machines under very high working pressures in the range of 1,500 to 5,000 bar.
Briquetting of many substances requires no addition of binder additives.
The briquettes achieve their stable shape and properties exclusively through the application of very high pressure and of the corresponding quality of the residue.

The compression chamber method is characterized by its robustness and low susceptibility to interference. Due to the optimum efficiency of the hydraulic system, the electrical connection values, relative to the briquette performance, are quite low. For example, the energy requirement for wood briquettes is approx. 0.07 kW / kg.

The press runs surprisingly quiet and takes up very little space, so that a problem-free placement is possible almost everywhere.

If the material to be briquetted is fed automatically, no operator is required. The presses are designed for unmanned, automatic 24-hour operation.

Contact us

Contact details

Sudetenstraße 5,
86381 Niederraunau

+49 82 82 / 811 14